Ok, so I may have fallen off the blogging wagon just a bit this last couple of weeks. That said, I'm pretty sure my select readership can appreciate and relate to the legitimate reasons this has occurred. Also, just because I haven't been blogging doesn't mean I haven't been training, however loose a term that seems to be these days.
I returned to running refreshed after my not-so-epic foray into spinning. I was overjoyed to have the chance to run outside last week for the first time this season. It was a balmy 60-something degrees here in Boston last Friday, and sunny--a welcome (but alas, brief) respite from the cold. Two days ago, the weather gods had the nerve to make it snow. Again. I was back on the treadmill later in the week, feigning ignorance to the 30-minute limit during peak gym hours. I made it 3.75 mi. before I was found out. Foiled again. And yes, it definitely did take me more than 30 minutes to run that distance. I'll work on it.
Soon, the only thing holding me back from running to my heart's content will be my guilt about neglecting my relationship with Qbank. Spring is coming, with all its fresh smells and awkward ankle sunburns and big events and yes, new beginnings.
It may be a couple of weeks or more before I write again, hopefully with a more robust report regarding my running progress. In the meantime, rest assured I'll keep myself busy.
Why am I posting the accompanying photos, you ask? Because looking at them and remembering the days they were taken make me happy. That's the only reason and right now, it's good enough for me.
Hahaha I was wondering where are that warm weather was being found!! Now I know.