Oscars were horrendous--Anne Hathaway even more annoying than usual. Hated dermatology ("A 26 year-old man presents with an intensely pruritic, erythematous, papular rash. What is the next step in evaluation?" An HIV test? What?!). Apartment search fruitless. Cat close to death.
All in all, this week sucked. Turns out, it's amazing what a bad week can do for one's motivation to RUN. Tonight, I hopped on the treadmill and stayed on there for 4.5 miles at a pace of 6 miles/hour. And I could have kept going. Woot. Suddenly, my day was looking up. Dermatology is over (hooray! hooray!). The apartment search continues, with some promising leads. The cat lives!
As if that were not enough, some happy revelations came to me as I was walking home from the gym. First, that there's suddenly, finally almost no snow on the streets of Boston. Second, despite all of my complaints, the South End is a pretty beautiful place to live. Also, by this time tomorrow, I will be hanging with my family.
Yes, I'm off to New York, where my pseudo-athleticism will be officially put to shame by 12 year-old whipper-snappers performing in "Billy Elliot." I can't wait.
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