So, if you're still reading this (there may be a few of you), I have not dropped off the face of the planet! Actually, I have in some ways, but as usual, I have an excellent excuse. Third year began in full force a month ago and...WOW. Needless to say, I hadn't fully appreciated how busy I would be on this first rotation.
I suppose many things this year haven't gone the way I expected them to go, for better or worse. I started this blog with the intention of meeting a personal goal and marking an occasion, but things change. It has been an interesting transition to seeing this blog less as a means to an end than as an exercise in self-reflection, but that's what it has become, and I've been grateful for the outlet. That said, life moves quickly and unfortunately, updating this blog always falls at the bottom of my "to do" list.
So, it is with great appreciation to my readers that I sign off, at least for now. Thank you for making this a meaningful endeavor, however unexpected the endpoint turned out to be. One thing is for sure: over $10,000 has been raised for transplant research and meds by way of, well, you, my generous family and friends. Incredible, no?
xxoo, Sarah